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The Electronic Campus

Propelled by the vision of its ninth president, Dr. Dean Hubbard, and director of computing services, Dr. Jon Rickman, 全国网赌正规平台在1987年开启了“电子校园”的开关,成为全国第一个在每个宿舍房间和教师办公室都有联网计算机的公共机构. 全国网赌正规平台在收购时就开始将计算机基础设施嵌入其学术领域, during the 1977-1978 academic year, 一台具有多个终端访问功能的服务器,使数学系和计算机科学系以外的学生和教师都可以使用计算机——但电子校园将大学置于最前沿,引起了全国的关注.

A decade later with the advent of the internet, Northwest upgraded its network to support student, 教师和员工使用多媒体和基于网络的应用程序,同时进一步加强大学的学习. In 1999, 学校还成立了信息技术教育研究中心, or CITE, 利用国家提供的任务增强资金来支持教学技术需求,并启动了西北在线作为提供在线课程的平台.

Subsequently, 全国网赌正规平台与科罗拉多社区学院系统建立了合作关系,允许学生从社区学院转学,并通过西北在线完成商业学士学位. In December 2001, Christina Pasqua of Sterling, Colorado, became the first student to complete a degree through Northwest Online, earning her bachelor’s in business management.

As technology has advanced, so has Northwest. In 2005, Northwest began providing fully loaded notebook computers, and technical support, to all enrolled students. Bundled with the University’s textbook rental program, 哪个学校在每学期开始时为本科生提供所有的基本课本, 与其他大学的同龄人相比,在四年的学术生涯中,它为学生节省了数千美元.

Photo timeline: The evolution of the Electronic Campus

弗里登EC132计算器(1965):一个50磅重的计算器,用于全国网赌正规平台的物理, chemistry and mathematics department, it was commonly available as a solid-state desktop electronic calculator. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)HP2115A微型计算机(1971)|全国网赌正规平台1971年购买用于物理, chemistry and mathematics department, it was the first computer to be dedicated entirely to academic use. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Altair 8800 (1975) | The first personal computer on the market, Northwest purchased one for its library in 1975. 不幸的是,Altair不能支持库应用程序. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Commodore PET 2001系列(1977)|全国网赌正规平台计算机科学系于1977年购买Commodore PET用于教师教育. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)全国网赌正规平台计算机科学系于1977年购买了Commodore PETs用于教师教育. Radio Shack TRS-80 (1978) | TRS-80被用于西北的农业部门, primarily for the creation of farm management spreadsheets. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Apple II(1978): 1978年,西北公司购买Apple II电脑用于教师教育. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)奥斯本(1980年)|西北农业部门购买并使用了第一台便携式个人电脑. Few programs would run because the screen was limited to 40 character lines. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Kaypro 10 (1980s) | The first practical portable computer, Kaypro重25磅,9英寸的屏幕比Obsorne有了很大的改进. The Kaypro was used by Northwest's computing services department, now the Office of Information Technology. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Richard Fitzgerald completes a program on a video terminal in 1982. In 1984, Dr. Jon Rickman, 他当时是全国网赌正规平台的计算机服务主任,在大学工作了35年后于2011年退休,担任信息系统副总裁, stands by the dual VAX in the B.D. Owens Library’s computing Center.Early computing used IBM punch cards for data files and entry. Punch cards were used at Northwest until 1986.DEC Rainbow (1986) | Northwest purchased 200 DEC Rainbows in the 1980s. DEC的彩虹电脑是很好的文本电脑,但是跟不上对图形的需求. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Northwest President Dean Hubbard (left) pulls a ceremonial switch, marking the launch of the University’s “Electronic Campus” on Aug. 18, 1987, with Gov. John Ashcroft and Shaila Aery, Missouri’s commissioner for higher education. 全国网赌正规平台是全国第一所拥有校园计算机系统的公立大学.Beginning in 1987, 全国网赌正规平台的每个宿舍楼房间都配备了一台计算机终端,该终端与一台公共服务器联网,可以访问在线图书馆目录, word processing and email.Students take advantage of a computing lab in the B.D. Owens Library.Zenith Data Systems (1988) | The Zenith Data Systems, which Northwest purchased for various departments, ran an array of professional software and could handle colors and graphics. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)学生们聚集在加勒特-斯特朗科学大楼的一间早期电子教室里. Harlan Higginbotham teaching a general chemistry course.东芝笔记本电脑(1994):1994年,西北航空公司为其EC Plus试点项目购买了200台东芝笔记本电脑. 该计划旨在为学生提供一个强大的便携式教育工具. 但当时学生们对这个项目不感兴趣,他们把笔记本电脑描述为一个“球和链”." (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)IBM Thinkpad (1996) | By 1996, about 600 University-owned notebook computers were on the Northwest campus, including the IBM Thinkpad, which eventually replaced the Toshiba in popularity. Students, however, still did not see the value in having notebook computers. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)升级后的VAX终端为宿舍房间增光添光,直到1997年,计算机服务部门在每个房间安装了新的网络pc.MTECH Computer (1997) | Northwest purchased 2,000 MTECH computers in 1997 and placed one each residence hall room. They had a removable hard drive, 由于标准化的负载集,这使得维护变得容易和相对轻松. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Gateway Notebook Computer (2005) | In 2005, more than 2,200 notebook computers were distributed to students, 标志着一项新的西北笔记本电脑计划的开始,该计划为每个住在校园里的学生提供一台无线笔记本电脑. 住在校外的学生有机会在这学期租用类似的笔记本电脑. Unlike with the EC Plus program in the 1990s, students embraced the new technology, 台式电脑也被移出了宿舍,因为现在每个住在校园里的学生都有一台笔记本电脑. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)惠普电脑(2008)|在B的通用计算实验室安装了140多台惠普台式电脑.D. Owens Library in 2008. (Courtesy of the Jean Jennings Bartik Computing Museum)Since 2008, 全国网赌正规平台为所有全日制本科生和研究生提供了惠普无线笔记本电脑,作为扩大笔记本电脑租赁计划的一部分.在这张2015年的照片中,学生们一边使用他们的西北笔记本电脑,一边在戈登大厅的新“模型教室”里利用技术. 一对学生使用他们的西北笔记本电脑在多元化和包容性办公室内合作.学生们在全国网赌正规平台教授的生物实验课上使用他们的笔记本电脑. Gretchen Thornsberry in 2023.

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