a - z指数


The school nurse/school personnel are available to attend to the health needs of students during school hours. The goal of our health service is to promote the health of our students and to assure that those students who become ill or injured at school receive prompt and appropriate care. If a student should become ill or injured, the nurse/school personnel, in collaboration with the classroom teacher, will decide if the student should return to class, rest in the health room or whether the parent/guardian should be called. Communication between the school and parents/guardians is a priority and key to providing the best and most appropriate care for our students.

*Please notify the school nurse if your child has any changes in his/her health status or medications during the school year.


Should your child become ill at school, he/she will be sent home if their temperature is 100 or greater, if they are vomiting or experiencing diarrhea. Students must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school. Students who have been vomiting or suffering from diarrhea need to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school as well.


We are happy to assist students who need medication at school. For safety reasons, we ask for compliance and cooperation regarding medication administration. Most medications, even if needed 3 times a day, can be given at home. In the event a student needs medication at school, the medication needs to be brought to school by a parent/guardian in the original container labeled by the pharmacy or physician. Your pharmacist can give you an extra labeled container to be kept at school. A medication request form must also be filled out by the parent/guardian prior to medication administration. This form is available in the nurse's office. 1st dose of any medication will not be given at school. Any medications remaining at the end of the school year will be destroyed if not picked up by a parent/guardian.


If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, he/she must have their inhaler at school at all times. We will also need an Asthma Action Plan on file. If your child has a food allergy or other life-threatening allergy that requires an epi-pen in an emergency situation, we will need an Allergy Action Plan on file for emergency instructions. Both of these forms are available in the nurses office.


Missouri law requires that all students meet the required immunization standards established by the Missouri Department of Health in order to attend school. In cases of exemptions from immunizations due to medical reasons or religious beliefs, an Exemption Form must be filled out by a licensed physician (medical) or a parent/guardian (religious) and kept on file with the student's health record.

View current Missouri school immunization requirements »

Health Screenings

愿景, hearing and spinal screenings will be done according to current Missouri Department of Health guidelines. Routine health screenings are conducted during the first few weeks after the start of school in August. Results of your child's screening are available from the nurse after they are completed as well as mailed home to parents/guardians.