A-Z Index

Peter Adam

Peter Adam



2677 Garrett-Strong



Joined Northwest in 2008

Assistant Professor


  • Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of California, Los Angeles
  • B.Sc. Zoology; University of Calgary

Courses Taught

  • General Biology (Bio 102)
  • General Zoology (Bio 114)
  • General Zoology Laboratory (Bio 115)
  • Internship: Cellular Biology (Bio 301)
  • Internship: Organismal Biology (Bio 302)
  • Internship: Ecological Biology (Bio 303)
  • Invertebrate Zoology (Bio 312)
  • Animal Anatomy and Physiology (Bio 330)
  • Biological Evolution and Diversity (Bio 348)
  • Mammalogy (Bio 362)
  • Ornithology (Bio 364)
  • Biology Practicum (Bio 383)
  • Research: Organismal Biology (Bio 402)
  • Research: Ecological Biology (Bio 403)
  • Comparative Anatomy (Bio 435/635)
  • Human Anatomy (Bio 436)
  • Human Physiology (Bio 438)
  • Problems in Organismal Biology (Bio 439)
  • Problems in Ecological/Evolutionary Biology (Bio 479)
  • Marine Mammals (Bio 455)
  • Biological Science Seminar (Bio 491)
  • Current Topics in Biology - Advanced Microscopy (Bio 510)
  • Current Topics in Biology - Etymology (Bio 510)
  • Current Topics in Biology - Phylogenetic Systematics (Bio 510)
  • Advanced Current Topics in Biology (Bio 610)
  • Graduate Seminar in Biology (Bio 680)
  • Graduate Research in Biology (Bio 691)

Academic Interests

  • Functional anatomy of locomotion and feeding
  • Marine mammals
  • Evolution
  • Phylogenetic systematics
  • Paleontology
  • Extinction

Scholarly Activity

  • Adam, P.J. 2009. Hindlimb Anatomy. Pages 562-565 in The Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 2nd Edition (W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig, and H. Thewissen, eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, California.
  • Adam, P.J. 2005. Lobodon carcinophaga. Mammalian Species 772:1-14.
  • Adam, P.J. 2004. Monachus tropicalis. Mammalian Species 747:1-9.
  • Deméré, T.A., A. Berta, and P.J. Adam. 2003. Pinnipedimorph evolutionary biogeography. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 279:32-76.
  • Adam, P.J. and G.G. Garcia. 2003. New information on the natural history, distribution, and skull of the extinct (?) West Indian monk seal, Monachus tropicalis. Marine Mammal Science 19:297-317.
  • Adam, P.J. and A. Berta. 2002. Evolution of prey capture strategies and diet in Pinnipedimorpha (Mammalia, Carnivora). Oryctos 4:83-107.
  • Berta, A. and P.J. Adam. 2001. Evolutionary Biology of Pinnipeds. Pages 235-260 in Secondary Adaptation of Tetrapods to Life in Water (J.M. Mazin and V. de Buffrénil, eds.). Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, Germany.
  • Adam, P.J. 1999. Choloepus didactylus. Mammalian Species 621:1-8.

Student Group Advisement

  • Biology
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Marine Biology
  • Pre-Professional Zoology
  • Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

Other Professional Experiences

  • Sociedad Latino-americana de Especialistas em Mamíferos Acuático
  • Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Society for Study of Mammalian Evolution
  • Society of Marine Mammalogy
  • Society of Systematic Biologists
  • Society of Vertebrate Paleontology