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Gender Neutral Housing Options

First-year Students

任何有性别或性别认同相关问题的学生都可以通过电话或电子邮件与住宿生活专家讨论住房选择. After this conversation, which will include a discussion about type of room, room location, bathroom facilities, and roommate matching options, a housing assignment will be made in an appropriate housing area. If it is determined that a private room is needed private room rates will be applied. 在此过程中,学生可以选择不参加任何提供的住宿,并根据新生住宿流程进行分配.   

The Residential Specialist will be in touch, via phone or email, 新学生宿舍申请中记录的性别与大学数据收集系统中记录的合法性别不符的学生. If you would like to initiate this conversation in an alternate way, 如果您对住宿流程有疑问,或者如果您想了解更多关于跨性别或性别不符合要求的学生的住宿选择,请致电660与住宿生活办公室联系.562.1214 or by email at  

Upper-class Students 


Tower Suites, Forest Village Apartments, 弗兰肯的六楼和七楼以及南综合体的一楼阁楼提供中性的住房. 这些指定的套房和公寓在房间选择过程中以与所有其他住房选择相同的方式提供. 性别中立的可选住房指定意味着单一性别群体或混合性别群体都可以选择这些套房或公寓. The selection of gender-neutral housing optional units will be by student choice only; no student will be assigned to a gender-neutral living situation without their consent.

Gender-Neutral Housing

以下政策和条件适用于选择住在性别中立的住房选择并与不同性别(无论性取向如何)的人一起居住的学生, gender identity or gender expression). 您承认您理解政策和条件的条款,并同意受其约束.

  1. 在提出要求时,所有住在中性住房的室友必须年满18岁, must be an upper-class or graduate student and be eligible for University housing. 新入学的大一新生在前两个学期没有资格参加.
  2. If a vacancy exists in a gender-neutral suite or apartment, the following with occur to fill the empty bed:
    • 住宿和辅助服务将允许剩余的居民确定一个新的室友来填补空缺. 住宿和辅助服务将确定分配给寻找新室友的时间. 这个时间窗口将根据一年中的时间和住房等待名单的状态而变化. Typically, a resident will be allowed a minimum of 24 hours, but no more than one week to identify another roommate.
    • If a new roommate is not found by the remaining residents, 住宿及辅助服务处有权安排另一名要求不分性别住宿的学生住在开放床位.
    • Residential and Auxiliary Services also reserves the right to require the remaining residents to relocate to another room; room type match not guaranteed. 
    • Residential and Auxiliary Services, at its discretion, 如果所有学生都同意额外收费,是否允许占用房间的学生支付额外的空间.  
  3. In the absence of extenuating circumstances, 居住者将尽快与他们的室友沟通任何更换房间或取消住房协议的计划.  
  4. Like most universities, 全国网赌正规平台不鼓励任何有关系的性取向的学生住在一起. 然而,全国网赌正规平台并不质疑学生想要住在性别中立的住房选择的动机.
  5. 这是居民的选择,如果他们想告诉他们的父母或监护人,他们决定住在一个性别中立的住房选择. 住宿及助理处鼓励住客与父母或监护人讨论他们的住宿选择,以便他们能支持他们的决定.
  6. 性别中立的申请者与其他申请者遵循相同的房间选择过程和截止日期. 学生签署一份附加协议,确认他们理解性别中立的住房指导方针. 
  7. 在混合性别群体中进入房间选择过程存在固有的风险. 是否所有带有中性标识的套房或公寓都应该在喊到混合性别群体的号码时被选中, 该小组将无法选择任何住房,除非它可以分成单性别小组,并选择单独的套房或房间. If accommodations are needed during the room selection process, please contact Residential and Auxiliary Services.

Transgender Students

任何有性别或性别认同相关问题的学生都可以与作业协调员交谈 & administration about housing options by phone or email. After this conversation, which will include a discussion about type of room, room location, bathroom facilities and roommate matching options, a housing assignment will be made in an appropriate housing area.

If it is determined that a private room is needed, private room rates will be applied unless an accommodation has been granted by the Office of Accessibility. 在此过程中,学生可以选择不参加任何提供的住宿,并根据新生住宿流程进行分配.   

如果新学生宿舍申请表上记录的性别与大学数据收集系统中记录的合法性别不符,任务和管理协调员将通过电话或电子邮件与任何学生联系. If you would like to initiate this conversation in an alternative way, 如果你对住宿流程有疑问,或者你想了解更多关于跨性别或性别不符合规定的学生的住宿选择, please contact Residential and Auxiliary Services office at 660.562.1214 or by email at